2007年6月22日 星期五

老歌的新味道-it had to be you

前幾天去Brown sugar的時候,本來很想要點幾首老歌來聽的,不過後來還是沒點成....但我猜就算點了..搞不好也不會唱:P

因為我想點的是"It had to be you."

這是一首我一直超喜歡的爵士~三零年代的歌吧,Priscilla Lane在電影"The roaring twenties"裡面唱的。我沒有看過那部老電影,但是卻在高中的時候偶然聽到這首歌(不知道是在家裡的哪一張唱片裡...Orz),很為這首歌傾倒。

還蠻喜歡那種二三零年代的中文或西洋古董歌(應該是骨灰歌了...),什麼周璇啊、白光啊,都還挺愛的(大概是小時候聽多了莉媽媽跟莉爸爸高歌吧~),唱著老上海的調調 ; 那時候的錄音品質還不是很好,但就是那種黑膠唱片特有的沙沙聲常能帶著我穿越時空進入另一種氛圍。

剛才心血來潮,想說找一下,沒想到不知道這歌太冷門還是怎樣(明明記得好像在北非諜影跟當哈利遇上莎莉裡面都有出現過....),竟然找不到....現在好像都只有Frank Sinatra的版本了,真有點小傷心....好想要聽原音重現>"<

It Had To Be You - Priscilla Lane

Why do I do, just as you say
Why must I just
Give you your way
Why do I sigh,
Why don't I try - to forget

It must have been,
That something lovers call fate
Kept me saying: "I have to wait"
I saw them all,
Just couldn't fall - Til we met

It had to be you,
It had to be you
I wandered around,
And finally found - the somebody who
Could make me be true
And could make me be blue
And even be glad, just to be sad
Thinking of you

Some others I've seen
Might never be mean
Might never be cross
Or try to be boss
But they wouldn't do
For nobody else, gave me a thrill
With all your faults,
I love you still
It had to be you, wonderful you
It had to be you
