2007年8月27日 星期一

Barcelona is amazing!

Yesterday I arrived Barcelona, (though with a bit trouble...) and this two days I just spent so much time walking and walking....now my legs are like big carrots...XD

Barcelona is really amazing! There are lots of special architecture here, such as Casa Mila, Parc Guell, Sxxx Fxxx....etc, all of them are Gaudi's work...He's really a genious! I love his colorful and creative house...haha~~~I really want my house like this! (but I don't want my house to be visited by thousands of ppl everyday....)

There are still many sights to see~~Barcelona is definately a fantabulous place to visit! Also, it's not that dangerous as my imagination...I'm more comfortable in Barcelona than in Grenoble or Madrid...@@"

My hostel is just near the seaside, but I didn't bring my swimming suit...>< (again!....there's a swimming pool in Alvaro's house, but I missed it; this time I missed the Mediterranean Sea....Orz)

Btw, I've gained weight!!!!!! I don't know why....>< maybe it's because I have wine/beer/coke/ice cream/greasy food almost everyday...!T_T
